According to Dell’s Global Technology Adoption Index, companies deploying cloud and big data technology are experiencing 53% higher revenue growth rates than those that aren’t.1 Despite this, many companies are still holding back on cloud development. The steep cost of migration to cloud is of course the tallest barrier here. Corporations with older software solutions are looking at having to completely rebuild their applications to be cloud compatible.
Unfortunately, many such corporations discount the possibility of cloud migration because of those costs, but don’t even consider what not moving to the cloud is costing them in forgone potential profitability. It also must be noted that there are a exponentially cheaper cloud conversion options in 2018 than there were even a couple years ago. Datamark Systems has striven to provide one of those options with a virtualization service that hosts desktop applications in a web browser instantaneously. We call this Datamark Live. Feel free to try it out right now.